Featuring presentation videos and accompanying slides: Attendees came together during this interactive study day from across the country to network, share experiences and learn how to better support children in mental health crisis. Delegates were able to equip themselves with the skills needed to tackle the increased admissions to paediatric wards and establish new strategies to deliver effective risk assessments with improved patient flow and management whilst on your general paediatric ward.
If you would like to attend a future event on this topic, please email our Customer Service Team or telephone 01732 897 788. They will be happy to assist you.

5 hours continuing Professional Development
10:00 |
Introduction, instructions and opening remarks
Tim McDougall, Director of Nursing and Quality, Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust / National Professional Advisor for Children and Young People’s Mental Health, Care Quality Commission
10:10 |
Improving the impact of Covid-19 on your unit: Learning from the CQC led Provider Collaboration Reviews of children and young people’s mental health
11:00 |
Questions, answers and discussion: the impact of COVID-19 on your unit
11:20 |
Screen break
11:30 |
Care of children and young people in unsuitable settings
12:20 |
Questions, answers and discussion: Your quality and safety issues shared
12:40 |
Lunch break
1:20 |
Developing a plan for overcoming mental health challenges in acute paediatrics: improving partnership working for children and young people
2:10 |
Questions, answers and discussion: improving partnership working
2:30 |
Interactive activity: developing a plan for your service
3:00 |
Close of workshop
Share in first-hand experience
This unique workshop shared practical tools driven by experience from Tim McDougall. Tim has been described as “very inspiring with great practical ideas. I would have liked more!”. Others who have benefited from his training wrote; “very inspiring and pitched at exactly the right level, so relevant to my practice”.
Tim McDougall is National Professional Advisor (Children and Young People’s Mental Health) for the Care Quality Commission. Tim also works as a Director of Nursing and Quality at Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust. Tim spent 15 years as a CAMHS Nurse Consultant and several as a Clinical Director in CAMHS and Children’s Services. He has worked in a range of clinical settings including community child mental health teams, adolescent in-patient services and secure adolescent forensic services. Tim was formerly Nurse Advisor for CAMHS at the Department of Health in England and has been a member of several National Advisory Councils. He is interested in quality improvement and service transformation.
Pricing Structure
Terms and conditions
Past attendee feedback
“Great insight and networking opportunities into the CYPMH field of care”
City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
“Loved the break out rooms – it broke the day up and meant we could move a little in our seats”
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
“All of the presentations from the speakers were excellent and gave a brilliant insight into what other trusts and organisations are doing to achieve effective multi-agency approaches to healthcare”
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust
“Learnt so much and gained so much knowledge around how I can support CYP, especially with transitions and life-limiting conditions”
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust