Fri 24 Jan 2025 09:30-15:50
Online Course, 5 CPD hours

Designed for NHS professionals working within Clinical Research. If you want to understand the fundamentals of feasibility and what happens when it goes wrong and how to achieve successful trials and studies, then this training is for you. Discover the tools and strategies to mitigate risks and achieve a ‘get it right first time’ approach to assessing the viability of your trials.

Click here to view the full list of clinical research courses available.

Assessing the Feasibility of your Clinical Research Trials
Online 5 CPD hours From £249+VAT

5 hours Continuing Professional Development: what you will learn

In this immersive study day, you will return to your team confident in your approach to the feasibility of your research. Join your Clinical Research peers and learn about:

  • The importance of feasibility and how to implement a ‘get it right first-time’ approach
  • Managing the challenges of making a trial feasible
  • How to create a balanced portfolio
  • Strategies for managing the financial projections of your research
  • Establishing the right teamwork to make your trials successful and viable

Attend this online NHS workshop from the comfort of your own home

With an enhanced emphasis on networking, interactive discussion and idea sharing, this forum will provide you with all the elements you need to deliver change through:

  • Evidenced based examples and knowledge implementation: mitigating the mistakes when assessing feasibility in your research
  • Interactive presentations: ask critical questions and learn from your leading expert
  • Closed room discussions: benefit from hearing from your fellow attendees about their struggles and successes with feasibility
  • Agreed action plan: leave the workshop with confidence to make the right changes to your process for assessing the feasibility of your trials/studies

This course is available for in-house training

Available as bespoke training to teams of 30+ people. Please do contact us if you would like this course delivered exclusively to your team, with the content developed to drill into the specific needs of your service. Please email Sarah Kemm or call 01732 897788 for further details.

Join, tech support and opportunity to network in breakout rooms
  • Who are you and where are you from?
  • What are your current challenges and what would you like to achieve today?
Introduction, instructions and leader’s opening remarks
Karl Ward, Lead Nurse for Research and Innovation (Education), Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Lead for the LTHT Research Academy, NIHR GCP Facilitator and Fellow, Higher Education Academy
The role of feasibility
Understanding the importance of feasibility processes in your clinical trials
  • Implementing a ‘get it right first-time’ approach to feasibility
  • Navigating the challenges of making a trial feasible: hitting your targets
  • How to standardise your feasibility processes to reduce risk and improve success
Questions and answers with Karl Ward
Interactive discussion: Sharing your challenges: Navigating the different aspects of feasibility
  • What aspects of assessing the feasibility of your work has been the biggest challenge? What have you implemented to overcome this challenge?
  • Do you have standardised processes in your assessment and, if so, what has been your experience with them?
Screen break
Feedback from interactive discussion: Sharing your challenges: Navigating the different aspects of feasibility
Establishing a balanced portfolio
How to create a balanced portfolio in your trials to reduce risks and optimise your resources
  • Planning and combining research studies: creating a balanced portfolio
  • Understanding your relationship with other sites
  • Assessing your recourses: what is required to make a trial or study viable
Questions and answers with Karl Ward
Interactive discussion: Assessing your balanced portfolio
  • Describe your current approach to creating a balanced portfolio
  • What aspects of the portfolio have you struggled with and are you looking to improve?
  • What steps have you taken to improve your approach to creating a balanced portfolio?
Lunch break
Feedback from interactive discussion: Assessing your balanced portfolio
Managing financial projections
Navigating the expectations and reality of the financial projections of your trials
  • Aligning your clinical trial to be financially viable: assessing your costs
  • Managing the financial expectations involved in clinical trials
  • Exploring and overcoming the financial challenges of clinical research feasibility
Questions and answers with Karl Ward
Interactive discussion: Investigating your expectations for financial projections
  • Share your experience with financial projections and what challenge you have observed in regards to your projections
  • When did your expectations not meet up with reality and how did you overcome this?
Screen break
Feedback from interactive discussion: Investigating your expectations for financial projections
Implementing effective teamwork
Collaborating and utilising effective teamwork to create a successful trial
  • Investigating the importance of teamwork in clinical research feasibility and success
  • Role of teamwork in data collecting, analysing and reporting to achieve a feasible trial
  • Enhancing your communication strategies: collaborating effectively with other teams
Questions and answers with Karl Ward
Interactive discussion: Inspiration and action points: your next steps to assessing your research feasibility
  • What are your three main takeaways from the day? How are you going to implement these takeaways into your service?
  • Share your next steps for assessing feasibility in your clinical trials
Feedback from interactive discussion: Inspiration and action points: your next steps to assessing your research’s feasibility
Leader’s closing remarks
Close of day

Share in first-hand experience

Your study day leader, Karl is known for his informative and knowledgeable clinical research study days. Join him in this feasibility focused training and return to your team confident in your assessment of feasibility of your trials.

Job Title:
Lead Nurse for Research and Innovation (Education)
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Lead for the LTHT Research Academy, NIHR GCP Facilitator and Fellow, Higher Education Academy

Karl is a Lead Nurse for Research and Innovation (Education) at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT). He works centrally within the Research and Innovation directorate to support clinical research delivery throughout the trust. He has extensive clinical, educational, research and leadership experience. Karl is currently responsible for education and training for all staff involved in Clinical Research delivery and is the lead for the LTHT Research Academy. He acts as a source of expert advice in regulatory, governance and feasibility issues within the units he supports and the wider trust. Within the trust and regionally he has successfully developed, delivered and evaluated the package of training that is offered via the LTHT Research Academy. He is also a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) accredited Good Clinical Practice (GCP) facilitator and delivers educational sessions on GCP, research governance, informed consent and investigator oversight to all grades of research delivery staff at a local and regional level. Until recently he worked nationally for the NIHR Coordinating Centre and was an expert committee member of a local Health Research Authority Research Ethics Committee. He currently serves on the national Clinical Research Nursing sub-committee for the Royal College of Nursing Research Society and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).

Pricing Structure

  • £399 + VAT for one NHS or public sector place
  • £249+VAT – for 2 or more NHS or Public Sector places

If you would like to make a group booking across more than one online course, you can. Email Sophie Richardson who will be able to assist you.

This course is available for in-house training 

If you have a group of 30 or more members of staff who require this training, then why not commission your own on-site course? Please email Sarah Kemm or call 01732 897788 for further details.

Commercial companies are also invited to sponsor this day. Please email Sarah Kemm for further details.

You can reserve a no-obligation place whilst you apply for funding

If your funding has not yet been secured or you would like to hold your place with no obligation whilst waiting for your study leave to be approved, you can reserve your place with us. Please email the reservations team at SBK Healthcare with your details:

  • Booking contact: name, job title, department, email and telephone number
  • Event(s) to reserve for: title and date
  • Delegate details (for each delegate): name, job title, department, email and telephone number
  • Organisation details: name and address

Alternatively you can make a confirmed booking by emailing the above information to the bookings team 

Once you have booked your place, SBK Healthcare will correspond with you using the email address you provided at the time of booking. Within one week of the online training taking place, you will be sent final details of the course including a full agenda, programme timings and your Zoom joining instructions. This email will include a joining link that can be used to access the course.

If you have not received your email two days before your event, do check your junk folder then contact SBK Healthcare on 01732 897788.

Practice sessions are available. If you would like to attend a zoom practice session before the event takes place, please let us know by emailing You will have the opportunity to meet an SBK Healthcare staff member who will ensure you are able to access zoom, that your camera and microphone work and you are fully set-up for the day. This is optional but if you do wish to attend, please use the same device that you plan to use on the day.

On the day, when registration starts, you will be able to join the course by initially entering a waiting room when there may be a short wait. The forum will include screen breaks, as well as topic themed interactive sessions which will take place in the breakout rooms.

Click here to view the specially created 5-minute video that will walk you through how to get the most out of attending your SBK Healthcare interactive online forum.

Certification of attendance

A certificate for Continuing Professional Development will be given to every fully registered participant who completes the course, as a record of your continuing professional training and development.

Registration fees

You will be sent an instant payment option or invoice on registration. Your payment is required in advance. If your fee has not been received prior to the event, and you are not able to provide a PO or proof of payment, you will be asked to make a credit or debit card payment on the day.

Modify registration

To let us know if your details are not correct when you have already registered, please email the bookings team.

Cancellations and substitutions

A full refund of fees will be made only for cancellations received within the first 48 hours of the booking being made. Notice of cancellation must be received in writing by emailing the bookings team at SBK Healthcare. Should you need to cancel your registration after this date, the registration fee remains payable in its entirety although a substitution will be accepted and conference documentation will be provided. Substitution attendees for delegates unable to attend after registering are acceptable at any time.

Event changes

It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the conference organisers to alter the content, speakers or the timing of the programme. We will endeavour to keep you abreast of such changes but any unavoidable change to the format will not constitute a reason to refund the fee. Should the event be postponed, we will endeavour to reschedule the event. If, for reasons beyond the control of the conference organiser, the event is cancelled, a full refund will be made. We do not accept any liability for any incurred costs resulting from a postponement or cancellation.

Privacy notice

To view the details on how your data is being collected and used, please view our Privacy policy

Expected attendees

Join with NHS Clinical Research professionals from across the country at this in-depth study day on feasibility in clinical trials. This training has been designed for, but is not limited to

  • Heads and Directors of Research
  • RM&G and Research and Development Managers
  • Trail Co-ordinators, Facilitators and Managers
  • Lead and Senior Research Nurses

Past attendee feedback

This online study day follows on from a history of successful clinical research study days led by Karl Ward. Don’t take our word for it, check out some of the feedback:

“Very clear and concise in his presentation. Engaging and informative.”

The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust, Advancing your Clinical Research Practitioner Role, September 2024

“A good day with plenty of opportunity for discussion. Provided opportunity to revisit/revise some of the basic principles of research and introduced some new concepts.”

Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust, Preparing for a Clinical Research Inspection, September 2024

“After today's training, I am confident that in case of any inspection/audit, I have the skills and knowledge to prepare for it.”

The Princess Alexandra Hospital, NHS Trust, Preparing for a Clinical Research Inspection, September 2024

“I found Karl Ward very knowledgeable on this subject. It was great to have a speaker who has actually been involved and has experience in the subject, been on the shop floor so to speak. This made the day much more relatable.”

James Paget University Hospital, Preparing for a Clinical Research Inspection, September 2024

“This training hit all the markers for me. It was personable, relevant, relatable and delivered in an engaging way.”

Doncaster & Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Practical Quality Assurance for Clinical Research, September 2024

“Very informative, well run, good to get other experiences and practices from other trusts.”

Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Clinical Research Leadership and Management, May 2024

“I felt it was nice hearing others experiences and what works well and what does not for others as everyone specialities is so different. I feel I can adapt some leadership styles and take it back to my area of practice.”

Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust, Clinical Research Leadership and Management, May 2024

View further comments on SBK Healthcare events on Trust Pilot.

An online forum like no other…

A live event that will feature leading presentations, interactive breakout rooms, and compelling Q&A discussions

As a sponsor you will have the opportunity to present your product or service, be a ‘face’ of the event and meet your audience face-to-face to discuss their experiences, interests and key concerns.

To find out more about sponsorship contact Sarah Kemm on 01732 897788 or you can email Sarah. Your organisation could be sponsoring this forum today!

Branding, marketing and education opportunities include...

  • Your organisation featuring on this forum website as ‘sponsored by’; including your logo, promotional text and links to your URL
  • 5 minutes presentation time during the main conference and taking part in the related speaker Q&A
  • Unique opportunity for the sponsored presenter to moderate one of the interactive breakout rooms
  • Additional company representatives can attend the online conference and meet the attendees during the interactive sessions in the breakout rooms
  • Your logo or company name will be included in all correspondence we send to registrations and all promotional emails sent out when marketing
  • Your support and sponsorship will be recognised when you are thanked at the opening and closing of the online forum as well as your logo featuring on the opening and closing slides
  • All sponsors will receive a copy of the registration and attendee list
  • Plus: a one-off option to add your question to the registration form, asking if attendees would like to share their email address with you so you can keep them informed after the online forum

Sponsor this forum and be part of a quality interactive event...

But don't take our word for it. We have had some excellent feedback from attendees to the forums that have been held to date:

"Forum was managed extremely well, and very professional"

IAPT National Networking Online Forum 2021 - 21st January 2021

“I am sure like everyone else I was apprehensive with going online, not sure how we could network, the ability for all participant's to participate and the quality of the presentations - all my fears were diminished this turned in to be a great day, networking, leading and sharing still occurred and links still formed. The presentations were excellent and the quality of the forum and set up great and so easy to follow and timing excellent.”

Reduce Paediatric Emergency Attendance Online Conference – 8th October 2020

“The conference has been far more engaging than in a conference centre. This I think is because of the ability to participate in chat throughout and the use of the breakout discussions.” “Excellent day! Organisation was great - loved the break out rooms for chat. Virtual chat added another really useful way to interact during the day, which isn't available to us at the physical conferences.”

Leading Change in Clinical Coding Online Conference - 11th September 2020

"Very informative, lots of opportunity for discussions and very well organised virtually"

Providing Support for Children on Long Term Ventilation - Tuesday 9th March 2021

"I enjoyed the group chats networking listening to others experiences, I also like that there was a lead on each group so the chats were influenced and no awkward silences that can occur on web meets. I thought the larger talks were really good and easy to listen to."

Modernising Outpatient Services Online Conference – 16th September 2020

“This is my first experience of an online conference and thoroughly enjoyed it. Wasn't sure what to expect. Would recommend to colleagues to attend future events” “This has to be the best online conference I have been to, I really enjoyed the breakout rooms.”

Advancing Ulcer Care Management Online Forum – 29th September 2020