Featuring presentation videos and accompanying slides: discover advanced case studies demonstrating best practice approaches to improving care. This is the perfect opportunity to hear the latest developments and innovations that are enhancing patient outcomes. Take one day out to benefit from valuable, inspiring and thought provoking presentations.
A full list of all upcoming oncology focussed events can be viewed here >>

3.5 hours Continuing Professional Development: what you will learn
Are you continually striving to develop your colorectal cancer service and improve your patient pathways? If yes, then this online forum is for you. View the presentations and slides and refocus on:
Meet your education and training needs in your own time
Packed with examples of best practice, novel ideas and expert advice, plus benefit from:
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Introduction, instructions and chair’s opening remarks
Jo Turner-Banton, Macmillan Colorectal Nurse Consultant, Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
Diagnostic pathways | |
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Establishing diagnostic pathways in bowel cancer
Filipe Carvalho, Nurse Consultant in Colorectal Disease, Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Lynch testing | |
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Establishing a clinical pathway and meeting ambitions for Lynch testing in colorectal tumours
Deborah Lakeland, Cancer Genomics Project Manager, Lancashire and South Cumbria Cancer Alliance
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Questions and answers with Filipe Carvalho and Deboarah Lakeland
Cancer Survivorship | |
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Effectively managing late and long-term side effects and symptoms
Dr Claire Taylor, Macmillan Nurse Consultant in Colorectal Cancer, London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust
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Questions and answers with Dr Claire Taylor
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Improving patient support: managing fertility, menopause and sex after treatment
Dr Victoria Corkhill, Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Colorectal Cancer Surgery | |
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Best practice in managing complex cancer surgery patients and building pathways
Mr Ian Jenkins, Consultant Surgeon, St Mark's The National Bowel Hospital and Academic Institute, London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust
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Questions and answers with Dr Victoria Corkhill and Mr Ian Jenkins
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Understanding the benefits and practicalities of robotic colorectal cancer surgery
Mr Peter Coyne, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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Questions and answers with Mr Peter Coyne
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Chair’s closing remarks and close of day
Speaker line-up:
Filipe is as Nurse Consultant in Colorectal Disease at the Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. He works in one of the highest volume services for colorectal cancer in North-East London, providing senior professional and clinical leadership to several departments, such as Colorectal, Faster Diagnostics, Pelvic Floor and Endoscopy. His role involves deliver the Trust’s ambitious cancer workforce strategy, support compliance against the cancer waiting times, and act as an expert resource to the multi-professional team.
His experience includes working at the Royal Marsden Hospital for 13 years, where his last role was as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Colorectal Surgery, supporting patients with a variety of advanced colorectal cancers, who required complex surgeries, such as pelvic exenteration.
Filipe is the Chair for the National Colorectal Cancer Nurses Network (NCCNN) and, in 2021, he was awarded by Bowel Cancer UK, the Bowel Cancer Nurse of the year award. He holds an MSc and a PGDip and has published on a variety of topics
Deborah has been a Healthcare Scientist for over 29.5 years to date, developing specialist knowledge in Immunology, Haematology, Transfusion, Radiation Protection, and now Genomics during her illustrious career. Deborah was the laboratory Lancashire Teaching Hospitals technical lead for the 100,000 Genomes Project, which enabled participants with rare diseases and cancers recruited to this world-renowned transformative program, to access whole genome sequencing for the first time in the NHS. Fast forward to 2020, and she is now collaborating closely with the Genomic Laboratory Hub to facilitate routine whole genome analysis as outlined in the genomic test directory, for eligible patients in the North West. Deborah has also been recognised as an NHS Aspiring Leader in Healthcare Science by the CSO Office, and developed an innovative programme of genomics education, which brings science to life in primary schools.
Claire is Chief Nursing Officer at Macmillan and also remains a Macmillan Nurse Consultant at London Northwest University Healthcare NHS Trust. She first specialized in in colorectal cancer nursing 26yrs ago.
There are 2 main clinical aspects to her current clinical role 1) Complex colorectal cancer 2) Survivorship services.
Research interests have led to involvement in several studies reflecting priorities within clinical role including management of LARS, decision making in complex surgery, reducing herniation after cancer surgery and improving detection of Neuropathy (CIPN).
She was awarded an MBE for services to Colorectal Cancer in February 2020.
Pricing structure
Past attendee feedback
“It was brilliant, really informative and I’ve left feeling positive and motivated to take new ideas back to the team”
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
“Really useful information shared. It was nice to share with other colleges and learn from their experiences”
Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
“Excellent opportunity for nurses to join and improve knowledge”
The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust
“Lots of information to take on board and discuss in-house with my local team of ideas on how to triage and assess patients better and ensure pathways are correct”
Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
“I found it very friendly, and very informative. it was nice to talk to other areas, in small groups, before the presentation started, and learn a bit about how other areas’ processes are for triage and assessment of their patients”
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
“The entire session was very well presented and it will really help with my practice!”
Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust
“Informative, friendly and highly appropriate content. Really exciting day as it felt like networking and being present at a physical conference, so thank you for making it so warm and welcoming”
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
“It was an excellent conference with really interesting sessions. I felt that the virtual aspect went well with support being readily available and helpful”
Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust
Who came?
If you purchase and view the presentation video and accompanying sides, you will be in good company! The following is an insight into the job titles and organisations who came to Best Practice: Colorectal Cancer Service when it was held on Thursday 19th January 2023: