Featuring presentation videos and accompanying slides: find out what is happening and delve into your common challenges of setting up ventilators, patient engagement and promoting best practice. Through engaging educational presentations you will come away with practical solutions that will work for you and your service.

3.5 hours Continuing Professional Development: what you will learn
Specific case study examples will be addressed in detail, led by a host of experienced speakers. Come together to improve your competencies and gain a new understanding of:
Meet your education and training needs in your own time
Delve into case study presentations, hear best practice advice and solutions to your common challenges in delivering respiratory care, plus benefit from:
7 presentations | 12 parts | 3.5 CPD hours | Filmed on Friday 9th July 2021 | |
1 |
Introduction, instructions and chair’s opening remarks
Rachael Moses, Consultant Respiratory Physiotherapist and President Elect of British Thoracic Society
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Driving forward best practice: Enhancing education for NIV practices to improve patient safety
Ema Swingwood, Clinical Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of the West of England; Respiratory Pathway Lead/Physiotherapist at University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust; Chair of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care
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Provision of respiratory support for SARS-CoV-2 related respiratory failure
Shruthi Konda, Respiratory Consultant, Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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Q&A session with Ema Swingwood & Shruthi Konda
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Progressing from the pandemic: taking the next steps to equip your service for the future
Rachael Smith, Specialist Respiratory and Critical Care Physiotherapist, Luton & Dunstable Hospital Foundation Trust
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Adapting the role of respiratory physiotherapists in the post Covid-19 environment
Laura Swanton, Clinical Lead Physiotherapist in Respiratory, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
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Q&A session with Rachael Smith and Laura Swanton
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Delivering effective collaboration to ease transitions from HDU and respiratory wards
Vicki Austin, Critical Care Outreach Nurse, Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
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Domiciliary care and NIV: Building a ‘Treat and Return’ service to facilitate safe discharge
Sharyl James, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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Q&A session with Vicki Austin and Sharyl James
11 |
Delivering education and adapting practice in NIV in acute respiratory care
Katharine Dalton, Critical Care Outreach Nurse, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust
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Q&A session with Katharine Dalton
First-hand Speaker Experiences
Rachael is a Consultant Respiratory Physiotherapist by background with areas of expertise including complex ventilation, airway clearance techniques and advanced care planning for patients with long term conditions for which she lectures and presents both in the UK and internationally. More recently Rachael has taken up Allied Health Professional Leadership roles and is passionate about raising awareness regarding equity, diversity and inclusion.
Rachael is very proud to be the first non-medic BTS President-Elect taking her tenure in December 2020 and hopes this encourages others to apply for such roles. She is also fortunate to sit on a number of national organisations, including the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Council and Honorary Student President, Co-Chairs the national HMV-UK committee, is a Placement Co-ordinator for Medical Aid for Palestinians, Multimedia editor for Thorax BMJ and member of the CSP LGBTQIA+ Network.
Dr Shruthi Konda is a Consultant Respiratory Physician and specialist in Sleep Medicine and Respiratory Failure at the Royal Brompton Hospital. She is also an Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer at the National Heart and Lung Institute.
Dr Konda graduated from Imperial College in 2007. She continued with her postgraduate training in Respiratory and General Medicine within London, working in the Imperial College Hospitals, St. George’s and the Royal Brompton Hospital. Dr Konda also has a Bachelors degree with Honours in Management and Medical Sciences from Imperial College, and a Post Graduate Certificate in Medical Education under her belt.
She was first appointed as Consultant in Respiratory and General Medicine at West Hertfordshire NHS Trust in 2017. Here, she was the Lead for Ventilation. Within a year she had gained approval to create and run an Acute Respiratory Care Unit, an 8 bedded Respiratory HDU. This unit allowed her to shape the Trust’s policy and response to COVID in early 2020. She has also run numerous QI projects to improve care of patients receiving Non Invasive Ventilation, which have been recognised by the British Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society.
Alongside her role as a Consultant Physician, she is a MRCP PACES examiner and has hosted examinations herself, on behalf of the Royal College of Physicians. A dedicated educator, Dr Konda has worked as Foundation Training Programme Director and as a Royal College of Physicians Tutor, overseeing around 130 post graduate medical trainees within her Trust. She also founded and is a Course Director for ‘Stepping Up’, a popular bi-annual course helping Trainees transition into Consultancy. Dr Konda has been elected to the New Consultants Committee at the Royal College of Physicians, and is working to develop their New Consultant Toolkit.
Given her considerable clinical and educational experience, Dr Konda is often invited to speak and chair at national and international conferences. She is adding to her academic portfolio by authoring book chapters and publishing in peer reviewed journals. When not pursuing her clinical, educational, or academic interests, Dr Konda can be found researching the next book to read, the next restaurant to go to, or the next country to explore.
Pricing Structure
Past Attendee Feedback
"Really lovely interact way to meet other clinical staff in respiratory and to share ideas and how we can develop our services"
Best Practice for Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV), July 2021
“Excellent networking learning"
Best Practice for Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV), July 2021
"Informative and educational across a wide range of experiences"
Best Practice for Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV), July 2021
“Really enjoyed this study day, I think the entire faculty team have done a great job of ensuring this was interactive and informative! Thank you"
Best Practice for Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV), July 2021
Who came?
If you purchase and view the presentation video and accompanying sides, you will be in good company! The following is an insight into the job titles and organisations who came to the Best Practice for Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) conference when it was held on Friday 9th July 2021: