Fri 28 Mar 2025 09:00-15:30
Online Conference, 5 CPD Hours

Come together with NHS professionals involved in paediatric complex discharge at this engaging online forum to identify and achieve best practice in your complex discharges

Hear case study examples and expert experiences that will give you out-of-the-box ideas and useful planning strategies to overcome your complex discharge challenges. This ‘how-to’ guidance day will equip you with practical strategies to work with patients and their families and improve your discharge efficiency.

Best Practice: Paediatric Complex Discharge
Online 5 CPD hours From £299+VAT

5 hours Continuing Professional Development: what you will learn

Take one day out to explore the best practice guidance for achieving a seamless paediatric complex discharge; discover what is working well with teams from across the country.

Designed for healthcare professionals involved in paediatric complex discharge, book on and benefit from:

  • How-to guidance on creating an efficient and timely complex discharge process
  • Successful strategies to improve the efficiency of your discharge service
  • Effective advice for managing the multiple teams involved
  • Practical guidance for increasing consultant buy-in to the discharge process
  • Case study examples: delivering best practice for complex discharge
  • Shared learning and real-life scenarios to support your discharge challenges
  • Clear steps to handle parental/carer expectations and support their role in home care
  • Ensuring that your paediatric patient is heard in the discharge process

Developed with convenience in mind: join this online NHS event from the comfort of your own home

With an enhanced emphasis on networking, interactive discussion and idea sharing, this forum will provide you with all the elements you need to deliver change in your complex discharge processes, through:

  • Case study examples: explore best practice models for paediatric complex discharge
  • Informative presentations: discover practical tips on collaborating with multiple teams throughout the discharge process
  • ‘How-to’ guidance: dive into the changes needed to create an efficient and timely discharge
  • Engaging interactive discussions: share your discharge challenges and discover alternative resolutions you can adopt
Registration, technical support and networking opportunity
Introduction, instructions and chair’s opening remarks
Ann Miller, Paediatric Complex Care Discharge Co-ordinator, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
Planning a smooth discharge
‘How-to’ guidance: creating an efficient and timely complex discharge process
  • Planning your discharge meetings: understanding the underlying principles for an effective discharge
  • Appropriate vs inappropriate: what documentation is required for a seamless discharge
  • Overcoming the challenges of managing complex transitions into home care
Jess Donnelly, Paediatric Community Nursing Specialist Nurse, Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Questions and answers with your speakers
Interactive discussion: Improving the efficiency of discharge in your service
  • What strategies have you implemented to improve the efficiency of your discharge planning process?
  • How have you developed your discharge processes to be centered around safety whilst being completed in a timely fashion?
Feedback from interactive discussion: Improving the efficiency of discharge in your service
Screen break
Collaborating with multiple teams
Best practice for managing the involvement of different teams in complex discharge
  • From acute to community: strategies for successfully managing the many teams involved in your patient’s discharge
  • Practical guidance for engaging consultants in their leading role within the complex discharge process
  • Linking up with external healthcare services: collaborating effectively with social and hospice care
Jenny Mallows, Children's Complex Care Lead Nurse, Children Complex Care Team, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Questions and answers with your speaker
Best practice models for discharge
Case study: Exploring Sheffield Children’s Hospital paediatric complex discharge model
  • Ensuring a safe and effective discharge: Understanding the planning and process of complex discharge at Sheffield Children’s Hospital
  • How-to guidance on Shefield Children Hospitals management strategies for handling the challenges of complex discharge
  • Collaborating with the family and community: providing a holistic approach to discharge
Elle Atkin, PCCU Family Care Sister, Sheffield Children's Hospital NHS Trust
Questions and answers with your speaker
Lunch break
Case study: Transitioning from hospital to home at Evelina London, Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust
  • Deep dive into Evelina London’s principles for effective children’s complex discharge
  • How to manage children with complex needs across multiple health organisations
  • Planning for success: how to ensure a smooth transition for complex patients to thrive at home
Christina Feasey, Team Leader, Children’s Community Nursing Team, Evelina London, Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust
Questions and answers with your speaker
Interactive discussion: Shared learning: exploring your discharge challenges
  • Share a challenging experience that you have had whilst managing a complex discharge
  • What steps did you take to overcome this challenge and what/if anything, would you have done differently to ensure a seamless discharge?
Feedback from interactive discussion: Shared learning: exploring your discharge challenges
Screen break
Managing discharge expectations
Handling parental and carer expectations: supporting their role in home care
  • Examining the role of parents and families: ensuring their understanding of the complex discharge process
  • Setting up for a successful discharge: managing expectations and setting out limitations
  • How to train parents and carers effectively in the care of their child at home
Emma Wall, Lead Nurse: Complex Paediatric Discharge Liaison, Walsall Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Questions and answers with your speaker
Interactive discussion: Highlighting the voice of the CYP during their discharge
  • Share how your service engages and encourages children and young people to be involved in their complex discharge
  • What practical tools have you incorporated to imbed the voice of your patients throughout your discharge processes?
Feedback from interactive discussion: Highlighting the voice of the CYP during their discharge
Chair’s closing remarks and close of day

First-hand speaker experience

This crucial interactive forum will equip you with the practical tools to enable your patients’ complex discharge be accomplished in a safe and timely manner. Your confirmed speakers so far include:

Job Title:
Paediatric Complex Care Discharge Co-ordinator
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust

Job Title:
Paediatric Community Nursing Specialist Nurse
Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Jess is a Paediatric Community Nursing specialist nurse, covering both Hounslow, North West London, and Richmond in South West London. Since joining the trust in 2016, Jess has worked alongside tertiary palliative care teams and local hospices to support families of children at the end of life. 

From reviewing NICE guidance and recognising gaps, it was recognised the importance of children’s community nurses roles within advanced care plans and the importance of including families in these decisions. 

Job Title:
Children's Complex Care Lead Nurse, Children Complex Care Team
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Job Title:
PCCU Family Care Sister
Sheffield Children's Hospital NHS Trust

Elle Atkin is the Family Care Sister at Sheffield Children's PCCU. Elle has worked as an intensive care nurse for 9 years and been in the family care role for 7 months.  This new role has shown Elle a completely different side to nursing and she is thoroughly enjoying the experience. Alongside Elle's nursing roles, Elle is an Audit Nurse for PICAnet. This has given her great exposer to service improvement, patient health and unit developments. Elle is always looking for knowledge and experience to enhance a family's stay on PCCU and is excited to see how this will develop more in the near future. 

Job Title:
Team Leader, Children’s Community Nursing Team
Evelina London, Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust

Job Title:
Lead Nurse: Complex Paediatric Discharge Liaison
Walsall Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Emma Wall is a Paediatric Complex Discharge Nurse at Walsall Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. The Community Children’s Nursing service provides holistic care to sick children by providing nursing care in the community setting, empowering and enabling the child, family/carers to become more competent in the management of the child’s condition, thereby reducing the need for hospital admissions or enabling early discharge.

The Community Children’s Nurses provide nursing care to children and young people with a life-limiting, life-threatening condition, complex disability, long-term conditions such as asthma, eczema or allergies as well as palliative and end-of-life care. The service also provides short-term nursing care to sick children to enable early discharge from hospital.

Call for speakers

If you would like to give a presentation and share your work or the work of your service at this online course, we would be delighted to hear from you.

To discuss speaking opportunities please email the conference producer Victoria Batchelor or call Victoria on 01732 897788.

Pricing structure

  • £299+VAT for 2 or more NHS or Public Sector places
  • £399+VAT for one NHS or Public Sector place

You or a colleague can claim the group NHS discounts, for booking two or more places across this and any other subsequent event, providing the same pricing structure applies. Click here to view the full list of up coming events.

For larger bookings of five or more people, please contact our delegate support team for further details:

01732 897788

Commercial companies are also invited to sponsor this day, please email Sarah Kemm for further details.

If your funding has not yet been secured or you would like to hold your place with no obligation, you can reserve your place with us. Please email the reservations team at SBK Healthcare with your details:

  • Booking contact: name, job title, department, email and telephone number
  • Event(s) to reserve for: title and date
  • Delegate details (for each delegate): name, job title, department, email and telephone number
  • Organisation details: name and address

Alternatively you can make a confirmed booking by emailing the above information to the bookings team 

Once you have booked your place, SBK Healthcare will correspond with you using the email address you provided at the time of booking. Within one week of the online conference taking place, you will be sent final details of the course including a full agenda, programme timings and your Zoom joining instructions. This email will include a joining link that can be used to access the conference.

If you have not received your email two days before your event, do check your junk folder then contact SBK Healthcare on 01732 897788.

Practice sessions are available and you will be sent an invitation to join one of our delegate practice sessions. These are optional but great if you are unsure of whether your camera and microphone will work on Zoom. We hold several one hour practice sessions across the week when a member of SBK Healthcare staff will be waiting in Zoom to assist you. Please do pop in, say hello and make sure you are all set for the day.

On the day, when registration starts, you will be able to join the conference by initially entering a waiting room when there may be a short wait. When you are automatically brought back into the conference room for the start of the conference, you will be asked to turn off your camera and microphone so that the chair can start the forum. During each presentation you will be able to ask questions in the chat box function. The forum will include screen breaks, as well as topic themed interactive sessions which will take place in the breakout rooms.

Click here to view the specially created 5-minute video that will walk you through how to get the most out of attending your SBK Healthcare interactive online forum.

Certification of attendance

A certificate for Continuing Professional Development will be given to every fully registered participant who completes the course, as a record of your continuing professional training and development.

Registration fees

You will be sent an instant payment option or invoice on registration. Your payment is required in advance. If your fee has not been received prior to the event, and you are not able to provide a PO or proof of payment, you will be asked to make a credit or debit card payment on the day.

Modify registration

To let us know if your details are not correct when you have already registered, please email the bookings team.

Cancellations and substitutions

A full refund of fees will be made only for cancellations received within the first 48 hours of the booking being made. Notice of cancellation must be received in writing by emailing the bookings team at SBK Healthcare. Should you need to cancel your registration after this date, the registration fee remains payable in its entirety although a substitution will be accepted and conference documentation will be provided. Substitution attendees for delegates unable to attend after registering are acceptable at any time.

Event changes

It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the conference organisers to alter the content, speakers or the timing of the programme. We will endeavour to keep you abreast of such changes but any unavoidable change to the format will not constitute a reason to refund the fee. Should the event be postponed, we will endeavour to reschedule the event. If, for reasons beyond the control of the conference organiser, the event is cancelled, a full refund will be made. We do not accept any liability for any incurred costs resulting from a postponement or cancellation.

Privacy notice

To view the details on how your data is being collected and used, please view our Privacy policy

Expected attendees

This engaging online study day has been designed as a sharing forum for NHS professionals seeking to improve their paediatric complex discharge process. From children’s complex care, continuing care and discharge planning teams, this is intended for, but not limited to:

  • Paediatric Complex Discharge Coordinators/Facilitators
  • Paediatric Discharge Liaison Nurses
  • Lead Complex Care Nurse Specialist and Children with Medical Complexity Nurse Specialist
  • Children's Community Nurse and Community Paediatricians
  • PHU/PICU Consultants
  • Matrons

Past attendee feedback

This is the latest in a series of Paediatric Complex Need events which have been held on-line for NHS professionals, including MDT Communication Models and Strategies, Streamlining your Complex Discharge Pathways, Advancing Children’s Continuing Care and Multi-Agency Approach to Complex Needs for CYP. Check out some of the excellent feedback we have received over the years:

“Expanded the knowledge I had, triggered thought processes”

Sheffield Teaching Hospital, Paediatric Complex Needs: MDT Communication Models and Strategies, June 2024

“Excellent mix of presentations and group discussion”

East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust, Paediatric Complex Needs: MDT Communication Models and Strategies, June 2024

“Great to get different areas sharing experience”

University Hospitals Sussex Foundation Trust, Streamlining your Complex Discharge Pathways, April 2023

“Great to network with other professionals and hear about other teams”

BHSCT, Streamlining your Complex Discharge Pathways, April 2023

“Really found this training very interesting and helpful. A lot of great networking opportunities and the case studies were really useful, encouraging interaction”

North Yorkshire Disabled Children's Service, Advancing Children’s Continuing Care, September 2023

“Really current, informative and excellent speakers, thank you very much!”

Leeds Children’s Hospital, Progressing your Multi-Agency Children’s Complex Needs Pathways, May 2022

“I really enjoyed the day. I thought the discussions were interesting and I found it reassuring that my service is on par with others”

The Shakespeare Hospice, Progressing your Multi-Agency Children’s Complex Needs Pathways, May 2022

“All of the presentations from the speakers were excellent and gave a brilliant insight into what other trusts and organisations are doing to achieve effective multi-agency approaches to healthcare”

Portsmouth NHS Foundation Trust, Multi-Agency Approach to Complex Needs for CYP, Jan 2021

View further comments on SBK Healthcare events on Trust Pilot.

Why sponsor?

Our role at SBK Healthcare is to bring industry together with healthcare professionals so that you can educate and inform your audience. These events offering dedicated presentation, Q&A, networking and discussion time, each sponsor will be full immersed into the event and able to effectively engage with your NHS audience.

Interested in having your own event, managed by us?

SBK Healthcare also provides in-house forums. Working closely with you as the client we can research, produce, market and deliver the conference or online forum that best suits the audience and meets your goals.

Reach out today

If you would like more information on our sponsorship options an in-house forum or if you wish to discuss your needs and what solutions may be appropriate for your business, please contact: 

Sarah Kemm 

Contact: 01732 897788 
