Featuring presentation videos and accompanying slides: listen to experiences and build your skills to drive forward discharge planning. Watch these unique presentation videos to ensure that your service maximises its support for both babies and their parents whilst exploring new ways to develop your neonatal outreach team.

3.5 hours Continuing Professional Development: what you will learn
Packed full with case studies, your expert line-up will share their experiences of overcoming the challenges of working in the pandemic, what they do to enable early discharge planning and how they work to improve care approaches for both baby and family. Drive forward your neonatal outreach service by:
Meet your education and training needs in your own time
Delve into case study presentations, share best practice advice and discuss the solutions to your common challenges in delivering early discharge in your neonatal outreach team, plus benefit from:
6 presentations | 11 parts | 3.5 CPD hours | Filmed on Monday 19th July 2021 | |
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Introduction, instructions and chair’s opening remarks
Lucy Panesar, Lead Neonatal Nurse for the Home Care Service, Nottingham Universities Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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NICE guidelines: Ensuring early discharge by delivering IV antibiotics at home
Melanie Carpenter, Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
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Exploring Neonatal Outreach before and during the first wave of SARS-COV-2
Claire Inglis, Neonatal Discharge and Outreach Co-Ordinator, Yorkshire Neonatal Network and University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
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Q&A session with Melanie Carpenter and Claire Inglis
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Delivering effective family-centered discharge planning for neonates and their families
Samantha Plets, Lead Midwife, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
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Q&A Session with Samantha Plets
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Utilising digital tools to improve family centred remote care during the discharge journey
Colm Darby, Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust, Chair of Neonatal Nurses Association in Northern Ireland and Alison McNulty, Chief Executive, Tiny Life
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Enhancing your role as a safeguarding advocate: enhancing care co-ordination
Jane Heath, Named Midwife for Safeguarding, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
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Q&A session with Colm Darby, Alison McNulty and Jane Heath
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Boosting effective and collaborative discharge planning with health visitors
Janine Snook, Lead for Neonatal Outreach, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
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Q&A session with Janine Snook
First-hand speaker experiences
A unique forum packed with examples of best practice, novel ideas and expert advice from:
Alison joined Tiny Life, Northern Irelands only charity that supports families of neonatal babies, in April 2013 having previously worked for 12 years as the Director of The Parenting Forum NI. With over 25 years’ experience working in the VSC, Alison previously worked as a senior manager with Relate NI, Prince Trust and Voluntary Services Belfast with young people and their families providing education, support and guidance. Over the years she has been a Trustee with several community and voluntary organisations in NI, UK and Europe campaigning for parental engagement in the development of strategies, policies and practices that affect families, children and young people. She is currently the lay member on the Board of Neonatal Network NI, Breast Feeding Strategic Implementation Group and Regional Infant Mental Health Strategic Group. She chairs a number of sub groups in relation to the above. Alison is also involved in research with a number of published papers in peer reviewed neonatal journals . She is a member of the Parents Advisory Board of the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants.
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Past attendee feedback
"So good to be part of a Neonatal Outreach study day, thank you everyone."
"It has been a great opportunity for networking and to gain knowledge of how other areas have successfully implemented changes within their service. This in invaluable as we are currently adding to and developing our service."
"Really interesting content discussed. Great to see how other teams operated and has definitely given us some food for thought for improvement and suggestions to our outreach team and neonatal services."