Focus on working collaboratively to improve palliative and end of life care for babies and their families. With case study presentations demonstrating the benefits of service collaboration, integrating hospice support and streamlining the transfer of palliative care into the community.
If you would like to attend a future event on this topic, please email our Customer Service Team or telephone 01732 897799. They will be happy to assist you.

4 hours Continuing Professional Development: what you will learn
Benchmark your service and promote best practice during neonatal palliative care by focussing on:
Meet your education and training needs in your own time
Packed with examples of best practice, novel ideas and expert advice, plus benefit from:
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Introduction, instructions and chair’s opening remarks
Alex Mancini, National Lead Nurse for Neonatal Palliative Care, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Promoting best practice | |
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Advancing neonatal palliative care in line with national initiatives
Alex Mancini, National Lead Nurse for Neonatal Palliative Care, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Improving collaborative working | |
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Ensuring a joined up care pathway across your hospital, community and hospice teams
Fauzia Paize, Consultant Neonatologist, Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust
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Questions and answers with Alex Mancini & Fauzia Paize
Developing multi-agency working | |
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Utilising multi-agency palliative care networks to provide support to baby and family
Sharon English, Consultant Neonatologist, Leeds Teaching hospitals NHS Trust and Hospice Doctor, Forget Me Not Children's Hospice and Martin House
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Working with hospices to support effective discharges from your unit
Katie King, Perinatal Lead, Derian House Children’s Hospice
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Questions and answers with Sharon English & Katie King
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Your guide to conducting palliative care simulation training
Jennifer Peterson, Neonatal GRID Trainee, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Improving discharge pathways | |
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Case study: Delivering a 24 hour service to support effective discharges
Hayley Jenkins, Children’s Community Palliative Care Nurse, Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
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Questions and answers with Jennifer Peterson & Hayley Jenkins
Optimising neonatal transfers | |
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Enabling Neonatal Palliative Care Transfers to Home, the Hospice and Elsewhere
Dr Cathy Garland, Consultant and Joint Lead of Neonatal Transport, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
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Questions and answers with Dr Cathy Garland
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Chair’s closing remarks and close of conference
Your speaker line-up
Pricing structure
Past attendee feedback
"I felt the forum was well organised and a good range of relevant subject matter was covered"
Enhancing Neonatal Palliative Care Pathways, February 2023
"Excellent day, very informative"
Enhancing Neonatal Palliative Care Pathways, February 2023
"All speakers articulated their wealth of knowledge and experience on their chosen topic really well"
Enhancing Neonatal Palliative Care Pathways, February 2023
"Very useful & encouraging information sharing"
Enhancing Neonatal Palliative Care Pathways, February 2023
"Cathy shared such valuable details, particularly her reflections on what they could do differently"
Enhancing Neonatal Palliative Care Pathways, February 2023
"I appreciated the tech help & advice. Offered before I even knew I’d need it (I did!)"
Enhancing Neonatal Palliative Care Pathways, February 2023
"Great day, well organised and led. Really enjoyed!"
Enhancing Neonatal Palliative Care Pathways, February 2023
Who came?
If you purchase and view the presentation video and accompanying sides, you will be in good company! The following is an insight into the job titles and organisations who came to Enhancing Neonatal Palliative Care Pathways when it was held on Wednesday 1st February 2023: