Share the home phototherapy delivery experience of Leicester Neonatal Home Care Team
Created for Neonatal Outreach Teams, the core audience of community nurses will be joined by doctors, senior nurses, matrons and midwives. Whether your service is ANNP-led or doctor-led, this change management forum will showcase practical examples with transferable guidelines, enabling all Neonatal Outreach Teams to identify your best practice approach to winning over hearts and minds, and providing a safe, cost effective and family-friendly service.

Identify your challenges, and have your questions answered
The right baby in the right place, cared for by the right people
Invitation to sponsor
8:30 |
Registration and networking opportunity
9:00 |
Chair’s welcome and introduction to the day
Ann Dooley, Senior Nurse, Leicester Neonatal Home Care Team
9:10 |
The Leicester Neonatal Home Care Team experience: challenges, opportunities and outcomes
Claire Hunter (formerly Inglis), Lead Nurse for Neonatal Home Care, Leicester, Kettering and Northampton Neonatal Home Care Team
9:40 |
Building the business plan for your Neonatal Home Phototherapy Service
Claire Hunter (formerly Inglis), Lead Nurse for Neonatal Home Care, Leicester, Kettering and Northampton Home Care Team
10:10 |
Questions and answers with Claire Hunter
10:20 |
Sponsored demonstration of equipment
10:30 |
Refreshments, networking break and meet the exhibitors
10:50 |
Implementation of a new home phototherapy service
Vicky Mead and Nicola Owen, Deputy Lead Nurses, Leicester Neonatal Home Care Team
11:20 |
Guidance on rolling out to Level 1 and Level 2 centres
Joanne McDermott, Deputy Lead Nurse, Kettering and Northampton Neonatal Home Care Team and Nicola Owen, Deputy Lead Nurse, Leicester Neonatal Home Care Team
11:50 |
Questions and answers with Vicky Mead, Nicola Owen and Joanne McDermott
12:00 |
Interactive discussion: Concerns and challenges shared: setting up your neonatal home phototherapy service
12:20 |
Feedback from interactive discussion
12:30 |
Refreshments, networking lunch and meet the exhibitors
1:30 |
Role of the ANNP-led Jaundice Clinic
Cathy-Ann O’Shea, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Leicester Neonatal Service
2:00 |
Parent presentation: Understanding the parent experience of home phototherapy
Hear the first-hand experience of a parent who had the opportunity to care for their baby at home. Find out the impact this had on their bonding and home life, the practical challenges they came across and how their concerns regarding safety were met
Julia Hood, Senior Nurse, Leicester Neonatal Home Care Team
2:30 |
Questions and answers with Cathy-Ann O’Shea and Julia Hood & parent
2:40 |
Refreshments, networking break and meet the sponsors
3:00 |
Insight into a typical working day on home phototherapy
Emily Lucas, Senior Nurse, Leicester Neonatal Home Care Team
3:30 |
Questions and answers with Emily Lucas
3:40 |
Interactive discussion: Deciding your action plan for building your home phototherapy service
4:00 |
Feedback from interactive discussion
4:10 |
Chair’s closing remarks and close of day
Your expert speaker line-up:
Pricing structure
Venue details
What happens once you have made your booking?
Who should attend?
Past attendee feedback
"Very thankful that this training exists for neonatal units"
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Incorporating Neonatal Organ Donation into your Service, Oct 2024
“I very much enjoyed the day. We were able to cover the topic fully. The discussion flowed well which led to a more dynamic, interactive session which is more enjoyable than listening to a speaker talk through slides”
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Incorporating Neonatal Organ Donation into your Service, May 2023
“Very well organised and kept to time. I am a neonatal nurse (band 6) in the outreach service but have an interest in palliative care and found all the content brilliant”
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Enhancing your Neonatal Palliative Care, February 2023
“Very thorough and clear and direct on how the deliver this service - fantastic thank-you”
York NHS Teaching Hospitals, Best Practice for Neonatal Nasogastric (NG) Tube Feeding, Sept 2022
“Very informative and engaging. Thoroughly enjoyed and have taken a lot from it”
University Hospital Dorset NHS Trust, Advancing Palliative and End of Life Care, July 2022
“Very well run, very interesting and informative, enjoyed talking to everyone to find out what they are doing for their service”
North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust, Setting Up your Neonatal Outreach Service, Dec 2021
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