Featuring presentation videos and accompanying slides: this online forum will share the evidence behind the trail blazing services. Featuring implementation strategies for current Covid, Acute Medicine, Respiratory, Frailty and Diabetes virtual wards, this interactive event will engage you in the practicalities of this emerging opportunity to manage your patients differently.
SBK have now gone paperless!
If you attended the day we are currently editing and collating the event documentation - please allow 5 working days for these to be made available and you will receive these, as well as your CPD certificate via email.

3 hours Continuing Professional Development: what you will learn
When there is no standardised model for virtual wards, this imperative online conference will provide you with a wealth of case study experience and networking opportunities so that you can focus on:
Meet your education and training needs in your own time
Take away ideas from the trailblazers and adapt them for your own service, plus benefit from:
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Introduction, instructions and chair’s opening remarks
Dr Alison Porter, Associate Professor of Health Services Research, Swansea University Medical School
Diversifying virtual wards | |
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Continuing early supported discharge: reengineering healthcare to deliver virtual wards
Dr Sarah Sibley, Respiratory Clinical Lead for Cheshire and Merseyside Clinical Network, Consultant Chest Physician, Knowsley Community Respiratory Service, Liverpool Heart and Chest NHS Foundation Trust
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Questions and answers with your speakers
Supporting ’step down’ care | |
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Case study: Achieving a successful ‘step down’ approach: respiratory virtual wards
Dr Binita Kane, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
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Questions and answers with your speakers
Taking action in the community | |
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Case study: Remote monitoring patients and the impact on unnecessary hospital admissions
Dr Liz Heitz, Consultant Geriatrician and Chief Clinical Information Officer and Digital Lead, Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
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Questions and answers with your speaker
Promoting effective early discharge | |
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Case study: Shared learning opportunities and successes from the virtual Covid ward
Dr James Wallace, Director for Urgent and Emergency Care, Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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Questions and answers with your speaker
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Chair’s closing remarks
First-hand speaker experiences
Alison Porter is Associate Professor of Health Services Research at Swansea University, and a member of PRIME Centre Wales, the research network on primary and emergency healthcare.
She has over twenty years’ experience of delivering engaged, applied research aimed at meeting the current challenges facing health and social care systems. She was part of the team which conducted the PRISMATIC evaluation of risk prediction in primary care, which showed surprising increases in admissions and costs associated with an initiative designed to support case management in the community. More recent work has examined how paramedics are contributing to the primary care workforce to provide sustainable pro-active care.
Prior to Swansea University, she was based at the Nuffield Trust.
Dr Binita Kane is a Consultant Respiratory Physician at Manchester University Foundation Trust (MFT). She has an interest in airways disease, quality improvement (QI) and digital innovation. She is currently the Respiratory lead for Health Innovation Manchester, Integrated Respiratory Care, Same Day Emergency Care and is an Associate Medical Director at the Manchester Local Care Organisation. She is involved in a number of national programmes including; the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) QI Faculty, the RCP National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP) Board. She is also the Co-Founder of 'South Asian Heritage Month', established in 2020 and has a keen interest in inclusion and diversity. Dr Kane set up the first step-down virtual ward in the UK and has chaired the Manchester City-wide Virtual Ward steering group through the pandemic. She is on the Greater Manchester Programme Board for Virtual Wards.
Pricing structure
Past attendee feedback
"A very informative study day which has given my colleague and I lots to think about on our journey to starting a virtual ward for our maternity unit".
Frimley Health, January 2022
"The chair on the day Dr Alison Porter was excellent".
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, January 2022
Who came?
If you purchase and view the presentation video and accompanying sides, you will be in good company! The following is an insight into the job titles and organisations who came to the Implementing and Establishing Virtual Wards when it was held on Tuesday 25th January 2022.