On-demand: featuring presentation and speaker Q&A: Designed specifically for clinical coders, this one hour, free webinar will offer crucial guidance in improving the accuracy in code for the disease or injury that initiated the sequence of events that led directly to death. Take this opportunity to invest in your clinical coding skills and have your burning questions answered to advance your coding of mortalities.

1 hour Continuing Professional Development: what you will learn
Navigate the challenges of coding for mortality and book your place to focus on:
Key learning outcomes
Packed with crucial guidance for improving your mortality coding, plus benefit from:
Introduction and instructions
Jane Ennis, Service Development and Coding Manager and Dr Divya Tiwari, Consultant Physician at University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust
Improving your accuracy in mortality coding
Question and answer session with your speaker
Your webinar host will use this time to answer the questions asked throughout the presentation plus any discussion points raised
Close of webinar
First-hand speaker experience
Jane Ennis is the Operational Clinical Coding Manager
Dorset University Hospitals
She has over 41 years’ experience in the NHS starting as an RGN with ITU CCU and Vascular experience moving into Management over 26 years ago but to keep up her clinical skills continuing to work at weekends in the Emergency Department giving this up 11 years ago.
Initially working with the GP Fund holders and then moving into Clinical Coding and Overseas management over 18 years ago.
She was instrumental in implementing an electronic process for coders taking the deadline for completion from 1 year to 2 days.
She actively encourages Clinical Engagement at every level especially in relation to validation of Clinicians own activity.
She has introduced flexi working conscious that the department has to move with the times. Clinical notes are now scanned making the department entirely electronic and all coders work remotely. After years of criticisms regarding remote working this came into its own with the Covid pandemic. Jane continues to take the Coding department forward and after the merger of Bournemouth and Poole hospitals as the Operational Coding Manager is working hard to replicate the developments established in Bournemouth into Poole to ensure that the merged Trust is able to maximise income as well as ensuring Data quality is maintained.