Featuring presentation videos and accompanying slides: focus on improving your transition pathways and outcomes for young people. Hear about the latest national updates and regional projects from services across the country from those who are dedicated to supporting the effective discharge planning of young people into adult services. Benefit from national networking opportunities and develop new skills to improve the experience of transition by providing consistency to young people.
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3.5 hours Continuing Professional Development: what you will learn
Join like-minded NHS colleagues and share new ideas to streamline the transition pathway for young adults. Develop new approaches to move away from ‘awkward handovers’ and take meaningful steps towards:
Meet your education and training needs in your own time
Enhance your knowledge and delivery of care for young people during transition to adult service, plus benefit from:
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Introduction, instructions and chair’s opening remarks
Louise Porter, National Lead Nurse, Burdett National Transition Nursing Network and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
National Updates | |
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Multi-agency working to enhance the quality of care in transition services
Nathan Samuels, Regional Nurse Advisor Midlands and East of England, Burdett National Transition Nursing Network
Achieving seamless transition | |
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Improving your handover of young adult patients to adult services
Rachel Macqueen, Lecturer in Child Nursing, Sheffield Hallam University
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Questions and answers with your speakers
Delivering integrated support | |
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Widening your team to deliver a holistic approach to transition of young adults
Mwesigwa Magumba, Youth Worker Manager, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
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Questions and answers with your speakers
Enhancing your service | |
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Case study: Service development for adolescent patients to ensure smooth transition to adult services
Jacqui Rogers, Transition Lead Nurse, Alder Hey NHS Foundation Trust
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Questions and answers with your speakers
Enhancing your service pathway | |
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Fully utilising and building collaborative working with GP and Primary Care support for 16-25 services
Stephanie Lamb, GP Partner and Clinical Director, Herne Hill Group Practice and The Well Centre
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Questions and answers with your speakers
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Chair’s closing and close of conference
Your confirmed speaker line-up to date:
Jacqui Rogers Alderhey Transition Service Lead Nurse Jacqui qualified as a Registered General Nurse in 1990, as a Registered Midwife in 1992, and as a Health Visitor in 2001. She has always worked in and around caring for women and children, and implementation of the Public Health agenda. Jacqui has performed a number of roles in the last 25 years as a Team midwife, a Childrens Centre Midwife, a health visitor, and a Matron in Maternity services.
After completing a Master’s Degree in Business Management in the Public Sector she changed her career pathway to experience some time in general management as a Service Manager, trying to influence change. However she missed the patient contact and after 5 years she returned to a Nursing role as Transition Service Lead Nurse at Alder Hey NHS Children’s Foundation Trust, and has been leading with Dr Lynda Brook the development and implementation of the 10 steps Transition Pathway and toolkit on behalf of the Trust.
Jacqui has presented Alder Hey’s 10 Steps Transition Pathway and toolkit at National Transition Conferences, a number of areas across the country have adopted the 10 Steps Transition Pathway; Jacqui also shares this model with student nurses at Chester, Edge Hill and John Moores University’s. Jacqui delivers multi-agency Transition training regularly, and in 2016 founded and chairs the North West Region Multi Agency Transition Network.
In February 2017 Jacqui and Lynda had their first Publication of the ‘10 Steps Transition pathway’ in a National Medical Journal. Click here to review the article
A second piece of work was published in December 2018 in the International Journal of Nursing. Click here to review the article
The transition team at Alder Hey were successful in an application to share the ’10 Steps Transition Pathway’ and transition developments at Alder Hey at the 1st European Transition Symposium. Jacqui and Lynda travelled to Switzerland and Jacqui presented this work to International colleagues there in September 2018.
Jacqui has great passion and insight into this role both professionally and on a personal level, as two of her four children have long term conditions and will require Transition to adult services and lifelong care.
Louise is a Registered Children’s Nurse who also has a degree in Business Management. Her role is National Lead Nurse for Transition with The Burdett National Transition Nursing Network.
Louise has been funded by the Burdett Trust for Nursing since 2015, initially working in a project management role, supporting all services in Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust (LTHT) to identify best practice transition pathways for young people with a long-term condition, when moving from children's into adult services.
Owing to the success of the transition project in Leeds Louise was appointed to the role of National Lead Nurse for Transition, forming The Burdett National Transition Nursing Network in April 2019. The network is also funded by the Burdett Trust for Nursing, with the aim of rolling out the quality improvement model, developed and tested in Leeds, across England.
Louise is also Chair of The National Transition Leads Network, Deputy Chair of NHS E & I Transition Capabilities Steering Group, and a Study Advisory Group member for NCEPOD Transition study.
Stephanie is a GP partner in a group practice covering a diverse inner city population of 15,000 in Lambeth, South London and founder and Clinical Director of the Well Centre, a young person’s integrated health hub with Primary Care, Health and Wellbeing Link workers and CAMHS.
She has a special interest in developing accessible, young people friendly services in Primary Care and developing targeted services to more vulnerable groups of young people.
She is a member of the RCGP Adolescent Health Group.
Pricing structure
Past attendee feedback
"Very informative, quality speakers and information given. Good range of people (speakers and attendees) from different backgrounds, with a variety of skills. All motivated and passionate about what has been good, giving information and ways to improve the transition service"
Improving the Transition of Young People into Adult Services, March 2023
"Excellently ran, no technical issues, brilliant variety of speakers"
Improving the Transition of Young People into Adult Services, March 2023
"Fantastic and valuable insight on other transition models"
Improving the Transition of Young People into Adult Services, March 2023
"Really helpful and gave me lots of ideas on how to approach things within my own trust"
Improving the Transition of Young People into Adult Services, March 2023
"Full of very useful information to take away"
Improving the Transition of Young People into Adult Services, March 2023
"I enjoyed all of the talks, particularly Mwesigwa, Jacqui and Steph. I could have listened to them all day!"
Improving the Transition of Young People into Adult Services, March 2023
"All the speakers presentations were excellent. The length of each session was just right"
Improving the Transition of Young People into Adult Services, March 2023
"Brilliantly run, very informative and very useful"
Improving the Transition of Young People into Adult Services, March 2023
"Fantastic courses from SBK"
Improving the Transition of Young People into Adult Services, March 2023
Who came?
If you purchase and view the presentation video and accompanying sides, you will be in good company! The following is an insight into the job titles and organisations who came to Improving the Transition of Young People into Adult Services when it was held on Tuesday 14th March 2023: