Featuring presentation videos and accompanying slides: Both insightful and interactive, attendees came together at this online forum, with haematology MDTs from across the country to discover what is going on nationally and get themselves and their team up to date. Sponsored by Bristol Myers Squibb, delegates were able to take away important information from leading clinical professionals on the latest developments to put into practice and improve diagnosis, treatment and management of patients.
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3 hours Continuing Professional Development
This dedicated forum focused on:
9:30 |
Introduction, instructions and chair’s opening remarks
Sarah Henshaw, Myeloma Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nursing Lead and Trustee, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, UK Myeloma Forum and Myeloma UK Board of Directors
Specialist treatment explored | |
9:40 |
An overview of Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Therapy
Dr Reuben Benjamin, Consultant Haematologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Developing emergency provisions | |
10:10 |
Triaging, diagnosing and treating haematological emergencies
Dr Rebecca Frewin, Consultant Haematologist, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
10:40 |
Launching the new Haem Now educational website
Sarah Henshaw, Myeloma Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nursing Lead and Trustee, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, UK Myeloma Forum and Myeloma UK Board of Directors
10:50 |
Questions and answers with the speakers
11:00 |
Interactive discussion: Improving MDT collaboration to achieve robust diagnosis and management
Breaking into small groups to discuss and share your experiences on this important topic with your fellow attendees
11:20 |
Screen break
11:30 |
Feedback from interactive discussion on Improving MDT collaboration to achieve robust diagnosis and management
Moderators will go on screen to feedback what has been discussed and learnt in the individual breakout rooms. Whilst the presenters are speaking, you can feedback your comments and questions using the chat box function.
Management considerations | |
11:40 |
Effective treatments and symptom management for Multiple Myeloma
Sarah Henshaw, Myeloma Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nursing Lead and Trustee, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, UK Myeloma Forum and Myeloma UK Board of Directors
12:10 |
Enhancing management and treatment of Chronic Lymphocytic Leaukemia (CLL)
Dr Dima El-Sharkawi, Consultant Haematologist, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
12:40 |
Questions and answers with the speakers
12:50 |
Chair’s closing remarks and close of forum
Benefit from 'real expert' speakers who are leading in their field:
Sarah qualified as a nurse in 1997 with a diploma in adult nursing. She has worked in haematology in a small district general hospital and a big teaching hospital since qualification. In 2005 Sarah obtained her BSc (hons) Health Care Studies (Haem-Onc) and has used this to further her career.
Sarah has experience as a Clinical Nurse Educator in a level 4 haematology Centre and 14 years’ experience as a Myeloma Clinical Nurse Specialist.
Sarah is a non-medical prescriber, extensively using these skill with independent nurse led clinics that she has set up. Sarah recently obtained MSc Health and Social Care specialised in palliative care with distinction. Her dissertation research for this was “Improving long term quality of life for patients living with multiple myeloma: A service evaluation”.
Reuben Benjamin is a Consultant Haematologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer with an interest in multiple myeloma, stem cell transplantation and cell therapy.
He completed his haematology training at University College Hospital, London and then worked as a post doctorate research fellow at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY undertaking translational research in CAR-T cell therapy for leukaemia and myeloma.
Since 2014 he has been based at King's College Hospital, London where he leads the plasma cell disorder service and CAR-T cell programme. He is Chief Investigator of the CALM Trial, the first allogeneic off-the-shelf CAR-T cell study for relapsed adult B-ALL and is also actively involved in offering CAR-T cell therapy for myeloma and lymphoma.
He has an active research group at King’s College London focusing on allogeneic CAR-T cells for lymphoid malignancies as well as in studying the biology of extramedullary myeloma.
Rebecca Frewin has been a consultant Haematologist since 2004 and is working for Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust. She has a significant clinical interest in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and CML and is the current chair of the South West MPN Network. She remains active in both post graduate and undergraduate medical education.
Dima El-Sharkawi was appointed as a Consultant Haematologist at the Royal Marsden Hospital in 2017.
She studied medicine at University of Cambridge where she gained a First Class Honours degree and Imperial College. She trained in Haematology in University College London Hospital before undertaking research in epigenetic related prognostic factors in acute myeloid leukaemia at UCL Cancer Institute.
Dr El-Sharkawi won the EHA Clinical Research Fellowship in 2017. Her special interests are in CLL, rare leukaemias and lymphomas as well as early phase trials and drug development. She has been an investigator on a number of clinical research studies in these disease groups. She is also part of the haematological malignancy diagnostic services at the Royal Marsden.
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Past attendee feedback
‘Very interactive. Easier to focus on a short 3.5hr event, then a whole date.’
The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
‘All the presentations were excellent - learnt so much.’
The Harbour Hospital, Circle Health group
‘Loved the slides of Sarah Henshaw, very informative. The management of haem emergencies was very interesting.'
The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
‘I enjoyed interactive discussion because ideas of practice was shared.'
Barnet and Chase Farm hospital
‘Excellent, very informative and tech support fab.’
Hywel Dda University Health Board
‘Absolutely brilliant webinar thank you very much. I like the interactive part, I enjoyed all of the speakers, especially as they spoke at a level we could all understand. Thank you.’
Maidstone NHS Trust