On-demand: featuring presentation and speaker Q&A: developed to support critical care professionals. Refresh your knowledge on the impact of delirium, hear practical advice on how to reduce the initial risk and standardise care to promote patient safety. Places are free and you can attend this webinar live or on-demand after it takes place.

Engaging and experienced speakers who will guide you through their understanding of your pressures
Are looking for practical ways to reduce the risk of delirium? Are you looking to further your understanding of the impact of delirium? If yes, then this online forum is for you. Watch now and refocus on:
Support and guidance for you in your own time
Packed with examples that will help you reduce and manage the risk of delirium, plus benefit from:
Introduction and instructions
Ram Matsa, Consultant in Critical Care, University Hospitals North Midlands
Managing impaired cognition and delirium: maximising patient safety
Questions and answers with Ram Matsa
Close of webinar
First-hand speaker experience
A unique forum packed with examples of best practice, novel ideas and expert advice from your webinar leader:
Ram Matsa is a Consultant in Acute and Intensive Care Medicine at the University Hospitals North Midlands. He is the Lead for critical care rehabilitation and has set up a comprehensive ICU rehab within the hospital. He also has developed an innovative “Single point Access- pilot COVID follow up service” and has demonstrated a significant “unmet needs” for critically ill covid patients. Has a special interest in sleep, cognition, and delirium in intensive care patients and organised a National ICU Rehab Conference at UHNM. Ram is also a member in the FICM educational subcommittee and co-leads the” Case of the Month” section in the FICM education. He serves as a member of the COBA Faculty at the ESICM office and has contributed to the revised COBATRICE curriculum.
Ram is the Lead for Procedural Skills (MBBCH Program) at School of Medicine, Keele University and has introduced the Ultrasound Skills in Undergraduate education.
Ram is the lead in point of care ultrasound in acute medicine and has been a “Founder member” of the Focussed acute medical ultrasound at Society of Acute Medicine and has co-written the national Curriculum for Acute medical ultrasound which is currently an essential skill for Acute medical trainees.
Ram has significant research interest and has contributed to number of peer reviewed publications in acute care ultrasound and Renal biomarkers in critical care. He is actively involved in Critical care rehab research.