Featuring presentation videos and accompanying slides: This interactive forum is designed for paediatric oncology NHS professionals working within the community and shared care units, striving to enhance service delivery and achieve better-quality care. Hear from centres of excellence engaging with a range of holistic approaches, from implementing the latest treatments, to managing palliative care patients, and developing communication with outreach teams.
SBK have now gone paperless!
If you attended the day we are currently editing and collating the event documentation - please allow 5 working days for these to be made available and you will receive these, as well as your CPD certificate via email.

3.5 hours Continuing Professional Development: what you will learn
By considering holistic approaches to care and discovering a wealth knowledge you will leave this forum ready to develop your paediatric oncology service delivery. Join this NHS study day to explore:
Meet your education and training needs in your own time
Take away ideas from the trailblazers and adapt them for your own service, plus benefit from:
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Introduction, instructions and chair’s opening remarks
Dr Jay Halbert, Consultant Paediatrician with a Special Interest in Paediatric Oncology, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, National Chair of the Children’s Cancer Leukaemia Group (CCLG) Shared Care Group
National updates on policy | |
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Latest developments and updates on commission specifications, audits and guidelines
Dr Toyin Lythe, Consultant Paediatrician, Paediatric Haematology and Oncology Lead, Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Developments in medical treatments | |
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‘AllTogether-1’ - Where we are today and setting up of shared care to enable closer to home treatment: Challenges and wins
Vanessa McLelland, Lead Paediatric Haematology, Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant Pharmacist, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
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Questions and answers with your speakers
Developing future planning and support | |
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Improving your management of palliative care patients
Dr Susie Holt, Palliative Care Consultant, Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust
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Question and answer with your speakers
Future Planning | |
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Case Study: Exploring child-centred future planning options
Lynn Piatczanyn, Homecare Nurse Coordinator, Hope House Children's Hospice
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Questions and answers with your speakers
Community outreach service delivery | |
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Enhancing your Paediatric Outreach Nursing Team (PONT)
Sarah Fay, Paediatric Oncology Outreach Nurse Specialist, NHS Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
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Questions and answers with your speakers
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Chair’s closing remarks and close of day
Your confirmed speakers:
Dr Toyin Lythe works as a consultant in general paediatrics with special interest in oncology and haematology. She is the paediatric oncology and haematology lead in her trust which has a level 1 POSCU. After qualifying from medical school at Imperial College in 2003 with distinction, Toyin progressed through her training in London and Sheffield which included tertiary oncology experience of 18 months as a registrar and a further 6 months at post CCT level. She was appointed to her current substantive consultant post at Luton & Dunstable Hospital in 2015 and has demonstrated exemplary clinical leadership in ensuring a safe oncology and haematology service and leading forward on innovations in her specialities and general paediatrics.
After spending her early childhood in Nigeria, where she was born, Toyin moved to the UK initially to Scotland, then lived in various cities in England including Birmingham prior to moving to London for medical school. She enjoys being a mum of 3 primary aged children who help bring out her childlike side. Her favourite recent cinema experience was watching is Sing 2.
Pricing structure
Past attendee feedback
‘Excellent way of running a conference. Enjoyed the breakout rooms and meeting others and sharing ideas and ways of working’
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
‘The case studies and working practices of POSCU really helpful and informative.’
Hope House Children's Hospice
‘Very useful. Got to know about other unit practice, giving different ideas for improvement’
Luton & Dunstable NHS Foundation Trust
'‘Excellent, well-organised. Quality of speakers high’
Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Foundation Trust
‘Excellent agenda covering many angles of the POSCU experience. Enjoyable and enlightening’
Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
‘The content is very beneficial and I will be able to utilise in my practice’
Lewisham & Greenwich NHS Foundation Trust
Who came?
If you purchase and view the presentation video and accompanying sides, you will be in good company! The following is an insight into the job titles and organisations who came to Paediatric Oncology Care Closer to Home when it was held on Wednesday 16th March 2022.