POCT Managers and Co-ordinators came together at this National Networking Forum to share their challenges and discuss new ideas on how to integrate diagnostic services effectively outside of the hospital. The day was packed full of expert presentations, case study sharing and unique networking. This NHS event enabled attendees to benchmark and plan for the future with like-minded colleagues from across the country.
With thanks to Abbott for sponsoring the day:

An in-person conference that engaged NHS professionals from across the country
Discussions on the day focussed on how to enhance POCT services, new ways to improve connectivity and solutions to struggles that are being faced when trying to navigate POCT in the community. Key learning outcomes included:
With thanks to our industry partners


9:00 |
Registration, refreshments and networking
9:30 |
Chair's opening remarks
Dr Sarah Glover, Consultant Clinical Scientist and Clinical Lead for Point of Care Testing, Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust
POCT in the community | |
9:40 |
Developing a North West regional and local strategies to system POCT adoption across the system
Katie Moss, Programme Director, Greater Manchester Diagnostics Network and Chair of the North West Point of Care Strategy Group and Sharman Harris, Clinical Lead of the Greater Manchester Point of Care Subgroup
10:10 |
Questions and answers with your speaker
10:20 |
Roundtable discussion: Exploring risk strategies to reduce errors
In groups, based on your table, this is a great opportunity share your experiences and work through the challenges.
10:40 |
Feedback from roundtable discussion: Exploring risk strategies to reduce errors
10:50 |
Networking break
POCT networks across the UK | |
11:20 |
Wales’s National POCT Strategy: Setting up and developing point-of-care testing services
Annette Thomas, National POCT Clinical Lead for Wales
11:50 |
POCT for SCOT: Shared experiences of the Scottish Network
Jayne Mckay, Point of Care Manager, NHS Tayside and Director of POCT-for-Scot
12:20 |
Panel discussion with your speakers: POCT networks across the UK
12:40 |
Networking lunch break
Integrating in-vitro point of care diagnostics | |
1:50 |
Case study from Frimley Health: Delivering a fully joined-up virtual ward service
Katy Heaney, Consultant Clinical Scientist and POCT Specialty Lead, Berkshire and Surrey Pathology Services, South 5 network and Chief Healthcare Scientist, Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
2:20 |
Questions and answers with your speakers
2:30 |
Roundtable discussion: Shared experiences of delivering virtual wards in your service
In groups, based on your table, this is a great opportunity share your experiences and work through the challenges.
2:50 |
Feedback from roundtable discussion: Shared experiences of delivering virtual wards in your service
3:00 |
Networking break
Hospital at home model | |
3:20 |
Overcoming the Challenges of Supporting POCT in Virtual Wards. What have we learned to date
Rhiannon Marr, Screening Laboratory and Point of Care Testing Manager, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Ian Smith, Former Screening Laboratory and Point of Care Testing Manager, Formerly at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
3:50 |
Questions and answers with your speakers
4:00 |
Chair’s closing remarks and close of day
First-hand speaker experiences
We were lucky to hear from pioneering POCT leads from across the country, who shared their experience, principles and future plans:
In 2008 Sarah began my career in Clinical Biochemistry at Leeds Teaching Hospitals. Having completed her initial training and passed by ACS assessment, in 2012 she joined the Clinical Biochemistry team at Bradford Royal Infirmary as a Senior Clinical Biochemist.
Throughout her career as a Clinical Biochemist she has had a particular interest in point of care testing (POCT) service. During her time working in Bradford Royal Infirmary she was responsible for several POCT services, including cardiac marker testing and the implementation of urinalysis meters throughout the Trust.
In 2014 after gaining FRCPath, Sarah moved to Harrogate as a principal clinical Biochemist and took on the role of clinical lead for point of care testing. In 2017 she became a Consultant Clinical Biochemist. During her time at Harrogate time the Department has expanded, implementing additional services and taking on responsibility for community glucose and ketone testing.
In 2016 the Point of Care Testing Department at HDFT became the first in the UK to achieve UKAS accreditation to ISO15189 and 22870 for many aspects of the service, within the hospital, at outreach clinics and even in patient’s homes. Sarah has successfully led the Department through numerous UKAS surveillance visits and a second full assessment visit, including several extensions to scope.
Sarah is passionate about ensuring point of care testing is fully embedded in the patient pathway and is used in a clinical and cost effective way. Whilst the ISO standards (15189 and 22870) provide an excellent basis for developing high quality POCT services, she believes close clinical liaison is essential to integrate point of care testing with the Trust’s culture.
Katie Moss is the Greater Manchester Diagnostic Network Programme Director with over 24 years’ experience of working within various NHS diagnostic and senior management roles and is now responsible for leading and directing the portfolio of the Greater Manchester Diagnostic Network.
After graduating with a 2:1 BSc in Biomedical Science, Katie was appointed as an NHS Trainee Biomedical Scientist where she worked and specialised in Microbiology for over 14 years. In that time, Katie went onto to complete a master’s in biomedical science and management Training Certificate before deciding upon a change of career. Katie went on to successfully undertake roles within Clinical Audit, Transformation and Programme Management whilst developing her educational achievements with the completion of various programme management and leadership qualifications.
Katie is now an influential and highly recognised member of the NHS diagnostic community who has proven experience of delivering complex transformation programmes, establishing multi stakeholder networks including the establishment of both the Greater Manchester Imaging and Pathology Networks and developing short- and long-term strategic business models.
Katie has a strong passion for diagnostic innovation and improving patient care through the adoption of new technologies and out of hospital diagnostics which support faster, real-time diagnosis and enable patients to have a greater ability to manage their own health and wellbeing.
Katie is the current chair of the Northwest Point of Care Strategy Group and is also responsible for leading the establishment of the Greater Manchester Physiological Sciences Network.
Outside of work, Katie is a mum to one, wife to one and dog parent to two bonkers spaniels. She often spends her down time, walking the dogs, playing netball and being a real foodie, she loves to eat out and experience different cuisine.
Jayne first qualified in November 2000 as Haematology MLSO and started her Point of Care journey with INR’s in the community. Today she is the Point of Care manager for Diagnostic Laboratories at NHS Tayside on the east coast of Scotland, a post she has held since July 2020. Her remit is to provide laboratory oversight and mitigate risk within POC schemes ensuring that results can be used confidently in effective and efficient patient management pathways. This includes schemes both within hospital environments and the community, encompassing laboratory diagnostic specialities of Haematology, Biochemistry and Virology.
She co-founded POCT – FOR – SCOT LTD which is a website / Instagram / Face book community to share learning, provide support and push for regulation and strategic developments of point of care.
Jayne is an advocate for ensuring Point of Care is used in the correct environment with innovative and effective patient management pathways that allow the right result to be used for positive patient gain. She champion’s this throughout her trust and the wider Scottish network.
Jayne currently sits of the specialist advisory panel for point of care at the IBMS and is part of a short life working group in Scotland advocating for point of care with strong policies and strategic goals to support the frail infrastructure of a NHS requiring innovation to survive the future.
At the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford Ian’s role was best be described as managing laboratory services in 3 areas:
- Screening: Newborn bloodspot and fetal anomaly screening programmes for the Thames Valley area.
- Mass spectrometry: Regional Immunosuppressive drug monitoring service.
- Point of Care Testing: Leading for the OUH Trust and working with Oxford Health in the community.
Ian has been involved with Point of Care Testing for around 18 years and his POCT projects include:
- Integration of the i-Stat into the OUH Trust for multiple point-of-care applications.
- Introduction of data-networked point of care testing in community hospitals.
- Introduction of data-networked urine analysers across the Trust.
- Development of a clinic-based point-of-care HBA1C service.
- Implementing Point-of-care CRP testing.
- Evaluation of the i-Stat BhCG application for use in an Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit.
Ian is a Public Health England Peer Assessor for UK National Screening Committee/NHS Screening Programmes; a Laboratory Advisor to Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme and a UKAS technical assessor.
He is also a Guest Lecturer on the Oxford Brookes University Biomedical Science degree course.
Ian joined Veritie Group in 2023.
Currently based at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. For over 15 years worked in Clinical Biochemistry, across sections of the laboratory. Appointed as Ian’s successor in 2022, managing laboratory services across antenatal and new-born screening; mass spectrometry, and Point of Care Testing (POCT).
Past attendee feedback
‘Very thought provoking and being able to see a variation in materials of POCT throughout the UK was very useful’
University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust, POCT National Diagnostics Forum, April 2024
‘Great conference, it was much needed for the POCT community’
Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust, POCT National Diagnostics Forum, April 2024
‘Really inspiring and informative – exceeded all my expectations’
University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust, POCT National Diagnostics Forum, April 2024
‘Really interesting meeting new people with shared experiences and looking at different ways of working’
University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, POCT National Diagnostics Forum, April 2024
‘Thoroughly enjoyed the content. Great networking and discussing with other POCT colleagues’
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, POCT National Diagnostics Forum, April 2024
‘Very informative on what’s going on in other regions and our challenges faced’
The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, POCT National Diagnostics Forum, April 2024
‘Relevant and helpful discussions and networking opportunities’ Excellent day!’
Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, POCT National Diagnostics Forum, April 2024
“Excellent learning opportunity’’
Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust, Achieving ISO 15189 Accreditation for POCT, June 2023
“Comprehensive overview of accreditation for POCT, very useful’’
East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, Achieving ISO 15189 Accreditation for POCT, June 2023
“Really helpful and reassuring that we are on the right track’’
Berkshire and Surrey Pathology Services, Achieving ISO 15189 Accreditation for POCT, June 2023
“It was truly enlightening and useful for our scenario”
Progressing Quality Management Systems for POCT, September 2023
“Very interesting and useful practical information provided that will help me with my day-to-day job role and hopefully lead to improvements in the quality management of our POCT department”
Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Progressing Quality Management Systems for POCT, September 2023
“It was useful to have an overview of the key applications and evidence expectations for the standards”
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, Progressing Quality Management Systems for POCT, September 2023
“Excellent and really good to hear tips from a professional with lots of experience”
Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust, Progressing Quality Management Systems for POCT, September 2023
“Great depth of knowledge shown by the speaker, she was very informative”
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Progressing Quality Management Systems for POCT, September 2023
“Really informative, interesting to hear how other areas work”
Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust, Leading Change in POCT, December 2021
“Good to listen to different services experience, everyone at different stages and using different models for various reasons, great to understand these”
Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Leading Change in POCT, December 2021
“Very well organised. Topics are current and love the networking"
King’s College Hospital NHS Trust, Leading Change in POCT, December 2021
“Very well organised, excellent and informative content”
The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Leading Change in POCT, December 2021
Thank you to Abbott for sponsoring this unique forum
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