If you work
with adolescents in a healthcare setting then this podcast episode is for you.
Join Louise Porter, National Lead Nurse - Burdett National Transition Nursing Network, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Donna Hilton, Service Manager, NUH Youth Service, who will share their insights into how to effectively support adolescents' lifestyle and interaction with sex, drugs and alcohol and lifestyle. Plus they will pass on useful information on where to find important resources and guides.
Your access to leading experts within healthcare: featuring top tips for improving your approach and better support your patients.

Listen to this NHS podcast at your leisure: what you will learn
Featuring tools and techniques for tackling difficult conversations and engaging with adolescents in a healthcare setting they will also answer your questions on:
Designed to cement your learning and enhance your knowledge
How can you listen to this podcast with Louise Porter and Donna Hilton?
Continuing your education journey
First-hand experiences from your podcast guests
A conversational style interview sharing examples of best practice, novel ideas and expert advice from:
Louise is a Registered Children’s Nurse who also has a degree in Business Management. Her role is National Lead Nurse for The Burdett National Transition Nursing Network.
Louise has been funded by the Burdett Trust for Nursing since 2015, working in a project management role, supporting all services in Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust (LTHT) to identify best practice transition pathways for children and young people with a long term conditions, when moving from children's to adult services.
Alongside the transition project Louise supported the running of the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Youth Forum, Leeds Childrens Hospital TV (LCHTV) and Learning Disabilities, Autism and Hidden Disabilities Staff Champions and supported the development of LTHT youth work team. Louise has also formed and is chair of the Yorkshire and Humber Transition Network group and the National Transition Leads Network group.
Owing to the success of the transition project in Leeds Louise was appointed to the role of National Lead Nurse for The Burdett National Transition Nursing Network in April 2019. The network will be funded by the Burdett Trust for three years, with the aim of rolling out the quality improvement model, developed and tested in Leeds, across England.
Donna has worked within the Youth Work field for over 25 years covering a wide variety of roles & experiences. These have included: detached youth work, centre-based work, school exclusion projects, support services for young offenders & drug users, young volunteer training programmes, sports education and coaching programmes, holiday engagement projects, participation programmes, youth support work in schools and youth work training/lecturing in universities.
Donna has worked in Health-based Youth Work for over 23 years, which has evolved from starting out as a Youth Worker in Renal Services, to developing and managing an award-winning Youth Service across Nottingham Children’s Hospital. Donna has a keen interest in Young People’s Health Transition and has supported national projects, including being a Steering Group member for the NHSI Transition Collaborative and The Burdett Trust Transition Advisory groups.
Donna is passionate about promoting Health-based Youth Work on a wider level. She has written papers and book chapters about health-based youth work and has recently developed, along with her team, a Health-Based Youth Work Curriculum. She is currently chair of the national Health-based Youth Worker’s Network.
Achievements have included the Action For Sick Children Best Practice Award ‘Outstanding Achievement in Adolescent Services’ – 2001; the British Journal of Renal Medicine Award ‘Innovation in Nephrology’ – 2002; recognition as a case study for Best Practice by the National Youth Agency in 2003 & 2008; finalist in the Children & Young People Now Services Awards 2006; Winner of the Children & Young People’s Services Awards 2008; Winner of the National Clubs for Young People Healthy Living Award 2008; Clubs for Young People ‘Youth Club of the Year’ – 2009; Clubs for Young People ‘Youth Leader of the Year’ – 2009; NUH Honours Volunteer of the Year Award 2009; Finalist in the Children & Young People Now’s Services Awards 2012; 2013 and 2016; Youth Forum Patient Champion Award 2017; Shortlisted in NUHonours awards 2017 & 2019; NUH Family Health Champions Award 2021.
Expected listeners
This podcast has been designed for professionals working with adolescents and young people within the NHS, including but not limited to: